Politicians have only 30 day’s ultimatum to remove posters and other forms of advertisements placed in unauthorized areas in Kampala City or risk facing prosecution.
The ultimatum was announced by Daniel NuweAbine the acting KCCA Spokesperson on Monday. NuweAbine says the countdown started on Monday and expires at the end of this month.
KCCA will not only remove the posters, they will also arrest and prosecute those behind them.
According to NuweAbine, whoever wants to pin posters or advertise in the city must seek permission from the Authority as stipulated in the National Physical Planning Standards and Guidelines of 2011.
The National Physical Planning Standards and Guidelines of 2011 indicate that permission is required for all advertisements throughout Uganda. Applicant are required to fill special forms for permission to display any advertisement and submit it to the local authority.
These approvals are subject to the signs being maintained in a clean, tidy and safe condition. However, these controls do not apply to an advertisement inside a building or on a vehicle.
KCCA doesn’t charge any fees for outdoor advertisement and has since declared the fees set and gazetted by the authority in 2019 as illegal.
The National Physical Planning Standards and Guidelines of 2011 prohibits the advertisement signs from obstructing visibility at a bend, junction or other hazards, interfere with the road- users’ view of traffic signs, distract road users’ attention at hazardous sites. However, advertisers especially politicians have had their posters erected on traffic signposts. NuweAbine says all these shall be removed.