Forbes names Uganda as one of the safest places to visit this October

This marks another milestone for the Dr Acheng Ruth and Dr Diana Atwine at the helm of the fight in ensuring that the country is safe but also returns to normality as soon as possible.

Forbes names Uganda as one of the safest places to visit this October
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Another big win for the government and in particular for the efforts by the health ministry after Uganda was named among the top 9 places to visit despite the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world. 

According to the list, whereas Europe looks as if the dreaded second wave of the virus is striking many parts, other parts of the world, Uganda inclusive are continuing to open up especially in the world of travel and tourism.

For Uganda is highlighted as being open to visitors and tourists but with observance of set guidelines to avoid the spread of the virus.
“Entry requirements include a negative test within 72 hours of arrival and a negative tes befoe departure as well. 

Uganda is unusual in requiring a COVID test before leaving the country. That test needs to happen no more than 120 hours before departure. Keep in mind also that there is a national curfew between 9pm and 6am, though if you have a flight between those hours you are permitted to go to/from the airport,” the Forbes said of Uganda.

According to the website, the current Covid-19 trend for Uganda is relatively okay despite the case count which was on the rise through September “but in absolute terms their outbreak has been reasonably small with just under 9,000 cases so far and 81 deaths.”

Lancet Commission data released last month ranked Uganda as the best country in Africa in suppressing the Covid-19 pandemic in the month of August.
Ranking 10th among 91 countries analysed, Uganda emerged the best on the continent, thanks to the Ministry of Health efforts in controlling the spread of the deadly virus.

This marks another milestone for the Dr Acheng Ruth and Dr Diana Atwine at the helm of the fight in ensuring that the country is safe but also returns to normality as soon as possible.

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