Makerere University 71st Virtual Graduation Ceremony Underway

The Makerere University Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma will confer degrees and award diplomas to 12,550 graduands starting today at the freedom square.

Makerere University 71st Virtual Graduation Ceremony Underway
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The Makerere University Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma will confer degrees and award diplomas to 12,550 graduands starting today at the freedom square.

6,433 (51%) of the Graduands are female, while 6,117 (49%) male. Of these, 108 will be conferred upon PhDs; 38 (35.2%) female and 70 (64.8%) male.

1,160 will be conferred upon Masters degrees; 434 (37.4%) female and 726 (62.6%) male. Meanwhile, 115 (33 – 28.7% female and 82 – 71.3% male), 11,151 (5,919 – 53% female and 5,232 – 47% male) and 16 (9 – 56% female and 44% male) candidates will graduate with Postgraduate Diplomas, Undergraduate Degrees and Undergraduate Diplomas respectively.

On each day, the Graduation Ceremony will start at 8:30a.m. and is expected to end at 12:00p.m. At today’s events, students from College of Natural Sciences, College of Health Sciences and School of Law are graduating.

These will be followed by College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, College of Education and External Studies tomorrow Tuesday, then College of Business and Management Sciences, College of Computing and Information Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security on Wednesday, Makerere University Business School (MUBS) on Thursday and finally, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology and College of Humanities and Social Sciences on Friday.

The Blended Mak Graduation Ceremony is being conducted following Government guidelines against the spread of COVID-19.

All parents, guardians, spouses, relatives and friends have been advised to follow the Graduation Ceremony TV and virtually on the University’s social media pages.

Only PHD, Masters’ Degree ad First Class Honours Degree Graduands have been invited to come to the University and be physically present in the Freedom Square.

The invited categories of Graduands have been urged to all wear face masks throughout the ceremony. The rest of the Graduands will graduate virtually and have remained home.

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