Police arrest 44 people in Nansana botched gay Marriage Introduction

The police at Nansana have broken up a gay marriage introduction, following a concern by members of the community.

Police arrest 44 people in Nansana botched gay Marriage Introduction
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The police at Nansana have broken up a gay marriage introduction, following a concern by members of the community.

Luke Owoyesigyire the Kampala Metropolitan Deputy police spokesperson says the police were called by residents to stop the ceremony that was being attended by 38 men and 6 women.

He added that the person introducing and the one being introduced were both male. 

“It was at around 13:00hrs. It was established that the person who was introducing was a man and the one being introduced was a man. We received this information and had to come and ascertain what was going on” Owoyesigyire says.

He added that all participants were asked to go to the police and their statements were recorded.

According to Owoyesigyire, from the setting, there was a local introduction ceremony taking place, and the police are still investigating the act that was taking place.

They will be charged with doing a negligent act likely to spread an infectious disease since they were not following SOPs.

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