Police station closed after personnel tested positive for COVID-19

Nawaikoke police station has been closed down after three police personnel tested positive for COVID-19.

Police station closed after personnel tested positive for COVID-19
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Nawaikoke police station has been closed down after three police personnel tested positive for COVID-19.

The decision to close the station for a period of one week was reached at by members of the Kaliro district COVID-19 task force.
According to Dickson Nabimanya, the officer in charge of Nawaikoke Police Station the affected police personnel were sent into isolation a week ago after presenting with COVID-19 symptoms. They have since tested positive for the virus.

“Our officers first exhibited flu-like symptoms and we advised them to self-isolate eight days ago however, their results received today morning confirmed that they were COVID-19 positive and they will need a confirmatory negative test before returning to duty,” Nabimanya says.

He  adds that the remaining police staff have been tasked to undergo mandatory tests and self-isolate themselves for a period of one week. 

Nabimanya says they will fumigate the police station premises to ensure the safety of their personnel before resuming duty. He advised neighboring communities  to seek services from the surrounding police posts or preferably at Kaliro Central Police Station.

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