Gulu District COVID-19 Task Force looking for UGX 314million to fight the pandemic

At least Shillings 314million is needed by the Gulu District Task Force to help combat the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). 

Gulu District COVID-19 Task Force looking for UGX 314million to fight the pandemic
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At least Shillings 314million is needed by the Gulu District Task Force to help combat the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). 

According to members of the Task Force, key among the interventions lined up for implementation are mass sensitization to improve adherence to the Standard Operating Procedures - SOPs, infection control and prevention and scaling up COVID-19 testing in the district.  

The funds are also expected to help improve the activities of the surveillance team, ensuring good uptake of vaccination through adequate public sensitization and proper enforcement of presidential directives by security personnel. 

According to Dr. Kenneth Canna, the Acting District Health Officer, while there is a notable decline in the infection rates there is need for continuous strengthening of information dissemination on COVID-19 to the public by health workers.

Dr. Canna, who doubles as the Secretary to the Task Force, noted that they need to closely follow up and monitor patients under home-based care management and rollout more psychosocial support to families affected by the pandemic.

Gulu District LC V Chairperson Christopher Opiyo Atekere who is in charge of resource mobilization, says that they have approached non-governmental organizations within the district to pool the available funds to support the interventions.

The Task Force has already received pledges from development partners who have accepted to support the. 
Stephen Odong Latek the Gulu RDC and Chairperson of the Task Force, says that up to 108 health workers have tested positive for the virus and four of these have succumbed to the virus. As of 1 July 2021, Gulu District had recorded 3,016 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

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