DPC Arrested over shooting in Nsangi which left one-person dead

Wakiso District Police commander, Medard Asiimwe together with three other officers are on the spot following the shooting to death of one person during enforcement of the nighttime curfew in Wakiso district on Sunday night. 

DPC Arrested over shooting in Nsangi which left one-person dead
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Wakiso District Police commander, Medard Asiimwe together with three other officers are on the spot following the shooting to death of one person during enforcement of the nighttime curfew in Wakiso district on Sunday night. 

The deceased identified as John Kulumba was at a pub in Nsangi which the officers raided and questioned the revelers why they were drinking past the night curfew time, which resulted in altercations. 

Police officers then attempted to arrest the revelers, who put up resistance, prompting Asiimwe to release bullets to disperse the group that attempted to fight them. 
According to eyewitness accounts, when the DPC informed the persons that they were under arrest, some of them started running away while others resisted the arrest. 

“We heard the DPC saying I have killed someone. Help me we rush him to hospital,” a witness says. However, the three other policemen escaped shortly after the shooting, leaving the DPC alone at the scene.

He was later helped by other officers who came after about 30 minutes and rushed the victim to Mulago hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

According to Luke Owoyesigyire Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police spokesperson, the DPC asked those people at first to leave but they declined instead started fighting the officers. 

“The officer released bullets unfortunately one was shot in the process. Investigations into this shooting are still ongoing,” he said.

The DPC has been arrested.

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