The police in Kibuku District have in custody three people following the murder of Mwanika Yokolamu a 50-year-old resident of Kadama village, Kadama Town Council, Kibuku District.
The deceased was accused of practicing witchcraft by residents in the same village.
ASP Alaso Immaculate the PRO Bukedi North Region told Howwebiz.ug that on Saturday 22 /01 /2022 at about 0800hrs OC Kadama police post, AIP Tayomba George had gone to Kadama trading centre for shopping when he heard rumors that someone had been killed by a mob.
The Tayomba mobilized a few residents and together they went to the scene of the crime, where they established that Mwanika had been killed in the home of Moding John and his body dumped in the nearby Cassava garden.
Alaso explains that three weeks ago, Mwanika’s home and properties including his garden were maliciously destroyed on suspicion that he was practicing witchcraft and killing people in the area, prompting him to flee for his life.
However, he sneaked back into the village. Unfortunately, he was seen by some unknown people who beat him to death.
Three people including the Chairman LC 1 Kadama cell have been arrested to help police in investigations and efforts are underway to have more suspects identified and arrested for prosecution.
The body was conveyed to Mbale city mortuary for postmortem and later handed over to the family for burial.