Angry mob kills two suspected cattle thieves

An angry mob has descended on four suspected cattle thieves and beat them up killing two and leaving two others seriously injured and admitted at Bukwo hospital on treatment.

Angry mob kills two suspected cattle thieves
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An angry mob has descended on four suspected cattle thieves and beat them up killing two and leaving two others seriously injured and admitted at Bukwo hospital on treatment.

According to Chesang Fredmark the PRO SIPI region, the four allegedly stole two Oxens from One Siwa Wilfred a resident of Rorok village/Kaska, Kapkwoloswo parish in Bukwo district. 

The injured suspects are, Mutai Caleb and Seik Micheal while the deceased are William linganiah ma aged about 25yrs, a Pokot a resident of Kapterit village Greek SC in Kween District and Rengeting Muket 70 yrs old a resident of Kapterit village Greek SC in Kween District.

The incident occurred in the wee hours of Friday at about 1am at Kamakunga village, Kaptererwo parish in Bukwo district.

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