House of Bishops elects Rev. Barnabas Tibaijuka 1st Bishop of West Ruwenzori Diocese

Rev. Barnabas Tibaijuka has been elected the 1st Bishop of West Ruwenzori Diocese by the House of Bishops sitting today Monday 3rd April 2023 in Kisoro. 

House of Bishops elects Rev. Barnabas Tibaijuka 1st Bishop of West Ruwenzori Diocese
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Rev. Barnabas Tibaijuka has been elected the 1st Bishop of West Ruwenzori Diocese by the House of Bishops sitting today Monday 3rd April 2023 in Kisoro. 

The Diocese will be officially launched and he will be consecrated and enthroned as the 1st Bishop on 27th August 2023 in Bundibugyo. 

Rev. Barnabas was born on 8th May 1975 in Butungama, Bundibugyo District. He was born again on 5th April 1994 during an open-air crusade led by the Bwamba Great Missioners. 

Being the son of an Anglican priest, he had been leading a double life – a humble, obedient, and God-fearing son at home, and a rebellious, night-club-loving youth while at school. 

“The preacher preached from Revelation 3:15, ‘I know your deeds…’ and I felt guilty because of my wrong deeds,” he said. “So I decided to denounce evil and accept Christ in my life. I asked God to forgive me and make he His child again.”

Rev. Barnabas earned a Master’s degree from Mountains of the Moon University, Fort Portal, in 2016, and a Bachelor of Divinity from Uganda Christian University, Mukono, in 2011. He has ordained a deacon in 2010 and a priest in 2011.

Rev. Barnabas has served both as a classroom teacher and Head Teacher in a number of Primary Schools. He started church ministry as a Catechist. 

After his ordination, he served in the Diocese of Ruwenzori Diocesan office as the Diocesan Youth Worker, and as the Vicar of several parishes. He has also worked on translating the Bible into Lubwisi and taught at Bishop Balya College. 

He took early retirement from civil service and is currently a member of the Diocesan Synod and Vice Chairperson for the Diocese of Ruwenzori House of Clergy.

Rev. Barnabas is married to Alice Mbambu Tibaijuka. Together they have raised two girls who are both born again and are currently university students.

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