Museveni Exhibits Expertise and Shooting Skills at Kyankwanzi — Photos

President Yoweri Museveni and Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda’s Armed Forces has once again exhibited his expertise, tactics and skill at a shooting range exercise in Kyankwanzi.

Museveni Exhibits Expertise and Shooting Skills at Kyankwanzi — Photos
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President Yoweri Museveni and Commander-in-Chief of the Uganda’s Armed Forces has once again exhibited his expertise, tactics and skill at a shooting range exercise in Kyankwanzi.

The shooting range or firing range is a specialized army exercise which is designed for firearms practice. The exercise is voluntary for the legislators witness at the end of the retreat.

President Museveni on Sunday briefly explained to the legislators the importance of being steady and calm as one aims and perfectly hits the target. He then gave an opportunity to some of the caucus members to fire gunshots at the targeted points.

The excited members came in groups of ten and where allowed to fire at the order of the military commander.

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