Rwomushana Tasked To Apologize As Aine Shows Up Alive

Self-styled political analyst Charles Rwomushana is on the spot for lying to the country that former Mbabazi Aide Christopher Aine had died.

Rwomushana Tasked To Apologize As Aine Shows Up Alive
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Self-styled political analyst Charles Rwomushana is on the spot for lying to the country that former Mbabazi aide Christopher Aine had died.

Aine disappeared in December last year and has been on the police most wanted list. But a few weeks after his disappearance, Rwomushana using his Facebook account posted a photo of a dead body, claiming it belonged to Aine who had been murdered by the state.

Rwomushana also supplied the picture to different media houses both digital and print, but would later be arrested by police, to explain his source of information.

Police also put a 20m bounty on Aine’s head, asking anybody who had information on his whereabouts to approach them.

The troubled Aine was needed to explain his involvement in the Ntungamo Go forward-NRM clashes that left many injured, and an attack on a police officer in Jinja, at a Mbabazi presidential rally.

Aine shocked the nation after a long time of speculation when he showed up yesterday at Gen. Salim Saleh’s home before appearing on NTV for an interview.

According to Aine, he fled the country after unknown people surrounded his home attempting to arrest him. He then crossed the border and hid in Tanzania, before showing up at Gen. Saleh’s home that he says is like a father.

However, the controversial Rwomushana appeared on a local TV station this morning, and when asked to apologize for lying to Ugandans, he said; “Publishing my beliefs is not a lie. You are judging my stumbling but not the intent. The intent was to save a life.”

Romushana added; “I got concerned & did something. You never interrogated how I got the picture.”

Meanwhile, Aine’s relatives claim they have not spoken to him, though he also claims he could not trust them at the time of disappearance.

However, Ugandans say the return of Aine was orchestrated by the State to divert people’s attention from the Rwenzori continued attacks and Budgetary process.

Whatever the case, Aine is back, and we await police action against him.

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