Seven newly appointed judges have this afternoon taken oath and assumed their offices.
The seven who include Ketra Kitariisibwa Katunguka, Moses Kazibwe Kawumi, Dr. Flavian Zeija, Mubiru Stephen, Anna Mugenyi Bitature, Oyuko Anthony Olok, and Susan Okalany were sworn in during a ceremony presided over by President Yoweri Museveni at State house Entebbe.
They were appointed by president Museveni in February and vetted by parliament in March.

The justices will now assume their offices as per their posting by chief justice His Lordship Bart Magunda Katureebe.

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Seven High Court Judges Sworn inSusan OkalanyKetra Kitariisibwa KatungukaMoses Kazibwe KawumiDr. Flavian ZeijaMubiru StephenAnna Mugenyi BitatureOyuko Anthony Olok