10th Parliament Swearing In Kicks Off

The swearing-in ceremony for Members of the 10th Parliament has started today morning the 16th, May 2016, and will go through tomorrow Tuesday 17th until Wednesday 18th at the South Wing of Parliament House.

10th Parliament Swearing In Kicks Off
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The swearing-in ceremony for Members of the 10th Parliament has started today morning the 16th, May 2016, and will go through tomorrow Tuesday 17th until Wednesday 18th at the South Wing of Parliament House.

According to the Clerk to Parliament, Jane Kibirige, the Members of Parliament Elect will swear in as stipulated in the Constitution before they start their duties.

She explains that as a fulfillment of Clauses 4 and 5 of Article 81 of the Constitution, Members of Parliament Elect are expected to take and subscribe to the Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Members of Parliament.

The Clerk however, notes that all the MPs-Elect will have to follow the laid down procedures.

“All MPs-Elect are informed that invitation cards, car stickers and other documentation will be collected from Parliament starting on Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th May 2016,” the notice from the Clerk reads.

Kibirige adds that due to the limited space, each Member will be accompanied by only five people with parking space availed for one vehicle.

“Access to Parliament House will be through the main entrance on Parliamentary Avenue,” Kibirige said.

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