The appointments committee of parliament has dropped two ministers from cabinet. Another minister was dropped by President Yoweri Museveni on Thursday.
Ismael Orot the Works State Minister was dropped due to lack of qualifications, Adrian Tibaleka, the State Minister for Elderly and Disabled was dropped on grounds of lack of requisite academic papers and inconsistencies in names on her academic papers respectively.
On the hand, Joy Ruth Achieng, former Kole Woman MP and a member of the opposition Uganda People's Congress (UPC) who had been appointed as State Minister for Fisheries was dropped by the president himself.
Reports indicate that the president was pressurized by members of Parliament from west Nile to either drop Achieng or Betty Amongi, the lands minister.
On Thursday, also the final vetting day, Achieng did not appear before the committee as required by the rules and neither did she explain her reasons for not showing up.
According to a source who attended the heated meeting at state house, the legislators expressed their dissatisfaction with the President’s move to reward the opposition yet they campaigned for his support during the 2016 elections.
The president was then blackmailed into accepting their plea, hence dropping Achieng, in favor of Amongi.
Amongi was the last minister to be vetted.