Speaking at the FDC party workshop for Ankole Sub region at Mbarara Catholic social center this Morning, Besigye said although he still insists on nonviolent methods of changing leadership, Ugandans must be ready to be part of the struggle to reclaim their country.
He listed some of the strategies aimed at getting rid of the incumbent regime as boycotting shops and companies owned by people in government and pitching camp at parliament. Unlike in the past, where police would deploy heavily around opposition party activities, there was no sign of police deployment at the social center and its surrounding areas.
The FDC party officials are later expected to deliver food relief to the starving families in Isingiro district. The workshop is part of a series of workshops that that will be held in different regions of the country under the theme "Strengthening FDC to consolidate its achievements and enhance party cohesion".
During the workshops, the FDC party members are expected to review the 2016 general elections, discuss party conflicts and resolution mechanisms, party development and organisation as well as mobilisation and recruitment of new members.
The workshops are expected to bring together former FDC party candidates for the LC 3 chairperson seats and top party leaders. Doctor Joseph Tindyebwa the forum for democratic change national coordinator in charge of policy and research says that the party will embark on strengthening its structures further and ensure that the desired change is achieved.