10 Reasons Why; She Won’t Reply Your Texts

The anxiety you feel 2 seconds after tapping the send button is enough to drive you to insanity…

10 Reasons Why; She Won’t Reply Your Texts
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The anxiety you feel 2 seconds after tapping the send button is enough to drive you to insanity… like waiting for test results insane. Your mind is playing back all her possible reactions. Eventually, the message beep goes. As you fumble to check, it’s just your brother telling you dinner is served, which is normally the best news of your day. 2 seconds turn to 60… and hours later, you’re still sick to your stomach.

Now belles may give you plenty of reasons for not replying a text, most of these lies, but if you really read between the lines, like really read between, what she’s actually saying could be one of these.

You’re too needy. Most may regard this adorable, but sending pictures of your breakfast, lunch, dinner, outfit of the day…is the least adorable thing ever. If this is you, it’s no wonder she won’t reply your texts. She’s just not into captioning these for you. Constant updates of your day is extremely needy and a total turn off.

Player tendencies. Throwing words like “I love you” and only just after the first date is a total red flag. That’s a player right there. In her mind, “I love you” translates to “I want you”.

You’re boring her.  “You’re so quiet”. I believe this totally explains her predicament. I mean why on earth would you ask her this!! Or is it an observation? Either way, what is she supposed to do with this trail of conversation? Ignore you –that’s what.

You’re too serious. In all seriousness, girls love a serious, purpose driven stud muffin, but this should be mapped out in several stages of a relationship. This jazz of… “I want to meet your parents” and we’ve known each other just a month, most of which time was spent on each other’s social media, don’t be surprised when she ices you out.

It’s not you. Sometimes it’s not you isn’t a euphemism for it’s definitely your fault. For example, some girls just lack common courtesy. She won’t reply your text because she’s just plain rude.

Busy. This is a personal favorite of many. Now I don’t know any girl who can spend more than an hour without looking at the phone, so if busy is an excuse for her…she’s probably just busy ignoring you.

Terrible grammar. A Ugandan speaking Jamaican might pass for cool only if he’s throwing down some crazy lyrics, take Bobi Wine for example. Writing it, on the other hand, not so much cool as irksome. It’s so exhausting to read, just like the short hand or any other form of bad grammar.

Broke. I have to admit, this is one of the shallow reasons why she won’t reply your text… but it cannot be ignored. If a dude does not pose any form of financial security, some girls just aren’t about that ‘take me as I am’ life.

She was being polite. Yet another reason to give out a number. Sometimes the fastest way to get a guy off your back is to give him your number. The problem with this is they’ll instantly call you. So if you’ve given a fake number-that just looks wrong. In a way, she was strongly armed into it.

She’s just not into you. Don’t take it personally, it happens to the best of us. She just isn’t feeling you. Simple. So take a hint from the one-word replies, stop with the relentless texting, throw in the towel and just go grab a beer with the guys.

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