Secrets of How to Seduce a Woman on your first date

How your first date a memorable one for Quick Guys

Secrets of How to Seduce a Woman on your first date
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Make an amazing impression every time.

First impressions matter. Contrary to popular belief, though, you don't only get one first impression in each relationship. Think of every time you see her, talk to her, or otherwise interact with her after being absent as a new first impression, and make it a good one.

  • When you pick her up for a date, look polished and pay her a dazzling compliment. "You look stunning" usually works well.
  • When you pick up the phone, smile and say "Hey, gorgeous." She can't see you smile, but she'll be able to hear it in your voice, trust me.
  • When you text or IM her, don't just fall back on "hey" or "hi." There's no substance there. Say something like, "I can't stop thinking about you" or "How's my favorite girl in the world tonight?"
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Clean yourself up

You probably already know this, but most women care a lot about hygiene. Prevent it from even becoming a problem by paying close attention to your cleanliness right now. Don't worry about spending all day primping — an extra 5 or 10 minutes added to your usual routine can make a world of difference. Start with these:

  • Make your mouth as appealing as possible. Brush, floss and use mouthwash at least twice a day. If you need to freshen up after a meal, use gum or mints.
  • Avoid pungent foods like garlic and onions for a day or two before you see your ladylove. Not only do they make your mouth gross, the scent actually comes out of your sweat glands for a few days after you eat. And no one wants onion sweat.
  • Shower as often as you need to. You should be hitting one shower a day anyway, but make it more if you tend to get dirty. Exhausting walk home? Shower. Just got back from work and now you smell like food/cars/office supplies? Shower. Sat in your own sweat all day because you were too lazy to turn on the AC? Shower. You get the idea.
  • Staying as clean as possible keeps you ready for last-minute encounters. What if she wants to suddenly drop by your house because she was in the area? What if she calls and wants to go to a movie that starts in 10 minutes? If you're already clean, you're good to go whenever you need to.
  • Manage your facial hair. You can be clean-shaven, or you can have an actual beard. Being anywhere in between and having scruff is less than ideal. Shave scruff, trim beards. Done.
  • Trim and clean your nails. Make a habit of cutting your fingernails and toenails every few days, as soon as you get out of the shower. Both should be trimmed short enough that there's only a thin line of white between the end of the nail and the quick. Use the cleaning attachment on your clippers to dig out any leftover dirt.
  • Deodorize. Slap on some deodorant the second you get out of the shower, and reapply as often as you need to during the day. Put on a maximum of two squirts of cologne for extra effort. (Note that overdoing cologne can be worse than not wearing cologne — go easy.)
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