#UGDebate16 Ratings — How Did Your Favourite Candidate Perform?

#UGDebate16 Runners Ratings: Who Was YOUR Presidential Candidate Of The Night?

#UGDebate16 Ratings — How Did Your Favourite Candidate Perform?
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Seven candidates featured in the debate at Serena Hotel's Victoria Conference Hall in Kampala.

Gen. Biraaro 8/10

Quite articulate, sharp and a good debater. Brilliant ideas on economy, poverty eradication, education, etc. His intelligence was way above all the Presidential candidates’ in tackling Ugandan problems despite his leadership prowess not clearly spelt out.

Abed Bwanika 7.5/10

Dr. Abed Bwanika tackled the real problems of Ugandans. His intellect in answering questions and articulating issues was challenging to other candidates.  All in all, he was very coherent. The gist in his thought of transformation is worth giving a double thought

Kiza Besigye 6/10
Dr. Kiza Besigye insisted on liberation and transformation struggle in that sequence. However he kept most Ugandans confused on the ‘HOW?’ question! A lot was expected from him on the debate but was always short of time to explain himself.

Amama Mbabazi 5/10

Firstly, he termed Ugandans  as ‘peasants’ among all choices of words to pick from 'voters,' 'citizens,' .He kept on dodging questions and answering questions with a question. His being too smart with legal Knowledge on the debate questions surely turned him the most disappointing candidate of the night. And to make matters worse, he was to ask any of the candidates available a question, quite surprisingly; he saw no body worth a question!

Kyalya 4.5/10.

A lot of complaints, she is asked a question, she decides to set her own question and answer it correctly. Her debated rotated on ‘i am a mother’ and ‘the east has been abandoned’,  She only gets marks for representing the Ladies.

Barya 3/10

He kept on confusing himself and the viewers whether uncoordinated educational script. He can do better in some other position not the office of the president. Good thing he turned up but can be a material of 2021

Mabirizi 2/10

May be it’s because he was the youngest contestant yesterday. Am sorry to say, Mabirizi is not a presidential material, there is no way, a moderator can ask about Ugandan oil, and then your mind straight turns to Fortune Butto (cooking oil), No No No……..Well, Mabirizi is good for Ugandan children - he teaches them that even if you can't win, you should still try.

What do you think, and who was your best performer?

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