Salvador Abandons Maro & Irene Namubiru’s Show As Emcee

The Mbokolo man Patrick Indrig aka Salvador on Friday failed to show up as the emcee of the night at Maro and Irene Namubiru’s “addicted “show at Laftaz comedy night.

Salvador Abandons Maro & Irene Namubiru’s Show As Emcee
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The Mbokolo man Patrick Indrigi aka Salvador on Friday failed to show up as the emcee of the night at Maro and Irene Namubiru’s  “addicted “show at Laftaz comedy night.

The show was graced by most musicians like Chameleon, Bebe cool, Irene Ntale who showed they support by attending, as fans cheered Irene ntale to perform her Gyobera song but nevertheless since the emcee was missing in action, Maro himself had to raise his feet and emcee his own show.

Other than that, the show was fantastic since there turn-up was great contrary to what was anticipated to be another flop as recently most of the artists’ shows have been flopping ,the latest being Aganagas.

What really surprised more was the fact that most of the people who attended the show were Irene Namubiru’s fans most of which being local women of Kikubo which only confirms that her base of fans has changed with her age and time.

The show ended with maro embracing Irene and thanking her for inspiring the Kyabazinga man in singing and thanked her for accepting to work with him and from look of things it didn’t go well with his muzungu girlfriend since she became furious.

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