Remember Daniel Irish Kanyerezi Kyebandula, the guy who made a maiden name as a comedian with the Amarula family in their early days, and one of the first people to anchor with NBS TV?! Yes, that he has returned on your TV screens.
News reaching our desk indicates that the Kisenyi based TV station Kingdom TV management has been in a series of negotiations with the current Capital FM presenter and consensus was reached a few days ago when he penned down a juicy contract with the station.
Daniel is expected to be hosting a day breaker show “the springboard” alongside a yet to be established lady that is ought to give any other stations with similar show a run for their money.
It’s believed that the already on air station will be rolling out with its programing before the end of this month and Daniel is among the few presenters that are set to grace its first airwaves with a new touchdown of the morning show.
Irish acquired experience from different stations like NBS, TOP TV, Capital FM and others.