Top 5 Deadliest African countries for Journalists

A total of 110 journalists were killed around the world in 2015, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have said, noting that while many died in war zones the majority were killed in "countries at peace"

Top 5 Deadliest African countries for Journalists
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A total of 110 journalists were killed around the world in 2015, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have said, noting that while many died in war zones the majority were killed in "countries at peace".

The arrest and subsequent detention of KTN journalist, Doreen Biira for sharing photos and videos of the clashes in Kasese has led some to believe that Uganda is the worst country to have a career as a reporter.

However, despite numerous challenges and random crackdowns of media houses, Uganda doesn't even come close to the top five most dangerous countries to work as a journalist in Africa

Here is the dreaded list.

5. Eritrea. Ps 180

Out of 180 countries surveyed, Eritrea emerged as the deadliest place to work as a journalist. At position 180 according to the reporters without borders report, 2016. The dreaded North Korea even beat this African country. For more than 20 years, Eritrea has been under President Issayas Afeworki dictatorship, where free media is unheard off, At least 15 journalists are currently detained, some of them held incommunicado, Eritrean journalist Seyoum Tsehaye has been missing for 15 years.

4. Sudan. Ps 174

President Al Bashir has ruled the once largest country in Africa since 1989 with an iron fist. Journalists are arrested arbitrary by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) media houses is censored and Journalists caught in the line of their work are subjected to interminable judicial proceedings with long, long jail sentences. 

3. Djibouti, Ps 172

There is only one independent media house in Djibouti and it even does not operate from the country. Judicial harassment, illegal searches, exorbitant fines resulting in detention for non-payment is but the daily life of a Djibouti journalist.

2. Equatorial Guinea, Ps 168

Ruled by Teodoro Obiang Nguema for the past 37 years the country enjoys all pleasures of an authoritarian regime from tight control of the media and prior censorship. In practice, it is impossible to criticize the president and the security forces.

1. Somalia, Ps 167

Years of instability, non-existence government structures, corruption and extremism have created ample room for somali Journalists to be persecuted by both the government and the Al-Shabaab militia. Two journalists have already been killed this year alone.

So back to the land of Matoke, how does it fair? Museveni has ensured that Uganda will not be ‘ashamed’ and stands at position 102 out of 180. As Doreen incident proofs, Acts of intimidation and violence against journalists are an almost daily occurrence in Uganda. Journalists have been suspended, stripped of their equipment or badly beaten by ruling party members or security agents

2016 World Press Freedom Index map (Reporters sans frontières)
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