EXCLUSIVE: Winnie Nwagi And Ray Signature Fight In Bar

Our snoop who was at the scene overhead Winnie Nwagi telling Ray Signature to learn how to respect ladies.

EXCLUSIVE: Winnie Nwagi And Ray Signature Fight In Bar
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Singers Winnie Nwagi and Ray Signature have not had any bad record related fighting in public places over the years.

However news on  Howwe desk indicates that the two had a bitter exchange at Kisementi based Sky Lounge on Sunday night.

The fight started when Ray Signature approached Winnie Nwagi for a dance which she declined, sparking off the fight.

Ray Signature who was intoxicated at the time after gulping more alcohol than he could handle, couldn't take no for answer.

He grabbed Winnie's waist which prompted her to pull away.

Our snoop who was at the scene overhead Winnie Nwagi telling Ray Signature to learn how to respect ladies.

"I don't want yo dance with you. Please respect me. Respect ladies. A no is a no," furious Winnie Nwagi told Ray Signature.

The two were separated by other party goers, forcing Winnie Nwagi to flee the hangout spot in a flash.

By press time, our efforts to reach either Winnie or Ray  Signature for a comment were futile.

We shall keep you posted.

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