Through a letter signed by Internal affairs minister Gen. Jeje Odongo, MTN Uganda boss Wim Vanhelleputte was deported on cases related to spying on the country's security operatives.
Now reknowned gospel rapper Edwin Ruyonga has come out and said his deportation was because of Prophet Mbonye's prayers. He claims had previously warned MTN officials but they did not listen.
Ruyonga made these comments through a Facebook post. He wrote, "Prophet Elvis prophesies trouble for your company, not as a judgement but actually as a warning to HELP you know there’s a curve ball ahead. Instead of taking him seriously and maybe seeing him to do something about it you mock him several times concerning an event honoring him. When the floodgates pour and his people share it on social media saying we told you so, they’re heartless and unforgiving.
Remnants we have our moments and we’re all growing but this one seems straightforward to me. Prophet Elvis tells people about dangerous outcomes all the time and the ones who listen and do something about it actually avert it.
If Prophet Elvis says something is going to happen, it’s GOING to happen. It’s been tested, recorded and put online HUNDREDS of times.
Listening to him is advisable.
Ignoring him is disadvantageous enough.
Ignoring him AND mocking him just seems to even the most LOGICAL perspective to be inexcusable stupidity.
This is a Prophet of God. The Moses kind. The Elijah kind. The Elisha kind. Earth. Wind. FIRE!
You don’t HAVE to agree with Remnants. But just recognize that their Father got infront of a camera and assured the leader of this country (This is UGANDA, we all know what that means) and still got on stage the next week, just as one of hundreds of examples.
Do yourself a favor. Either speak nicely about him, or don’t speak. Don’t be in the statistic of people and even companies who speak against this man and eat the fruit of it.
Or don’t.
This is a love message.
Proud Remnant," Ruyonga posted.
The MTN boss's mess brings the number of MTN officials deported in one month to 4.