GNL Zamba to Start Hip Hop Music Label 

The defunct Baboon Forest had musicians  who are currently doing better like Big Tril and Mun G

GNL Zamba to Start Hip Hop Music Label 
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Rapper GNL Zamba is the 'grandfather' of Hip hop music genre in the country. His tremendous contribution to the industry is felt even when is out of the country.

In a recent interview with a local newspaper, the singer said he is coming back in the country to reignite the Baboon Forest into the best selling music label in the country.

He has already started looking for young talented boys and girls to join the music label. 

"Nas and Khaled asked me to start a label, run it and sign myself. That's the goal now, I am looking for talented young trees. I don't want to reach the promised land alone.  So i am working to bring back Baboon Forest even in a better way,"  he said.

The defunct Baboon Forest had musicians  who are currently doing better like Big Tril and Mun G

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