My Next Album will go Global - A Pass

The musician released 4 albums in the past namey, Gamululu in 2016, kiss me, Didi dada in 2018, and Nkwagala in 2020.

My Next Album will go Global - A Pass
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Musician A Pass is one of the most creative artists in the country. His versatility in music coupled with his comic character has won him fans across the country.

The musician revealed his next album will go global and will bring many of the prestigious music awards to the country. It will be a masterpiece created with the African sound.

"My next album will be Fire, it will go Global and it shouldn't be hurried. We still cooking," he retweeted after a fan tasked him to release an album this year.

The musician released 4 albums in the past namey, Gamululu in 2016, kiss me, Didi dada in 2018, and Nkwagala in 2020.

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