Apollo Kantinti Denies Forcing Wife Out of Music Business 

The two are currently not living together following a bitter breakup.

Apollo Kantinti Denies Forcing Wife Out of Music Business 
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Former upcoming artiste Shamim Namawa is back in the news. Before she got married, she was doing fairly well in the industry. 

Her downward spiral started when she got married to a politician, Apollo Kantinti, commonly known for his challenge against Bobi Wine in the Kyadondo East race years ago.

It has always been believed that Apollo Katinti was responsible for Namawa’s fall from the music ladder, but the politician denies the claims, saying that he did everything to ensure she prospers but luck has never been on her side.

“I paid music writers and also ensured she had good videos. She can’t say I didn’t support her,” Kantinti said in an interview.

The two are currently not living together following a bitter breakup.

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