Photo Proof: Evidence That Pins Andrew Kabuura Guilty For Cheating On Flavia

Andrew Kabuura is washed in shame after a side chic identified as Mercy Twinomujuni exposed him for cheating on his beautiful wife, Flavia Tumusiime.

Photo Proof: Evidence That Pins Andrew Kabuura Guilty For Cheating On Flavia
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NTV Press Box presenter, Andrew Kabuura is washed in shame after a side chic identified as Mercy Twinomujuni exposed him for cheating on his beautiful wife, Flavia Tumusiime.

A few people on social media have been doubting the authenticity of the screenshots of their private chats – claiming they are fake and photoshopped.

Howwe has decided to share some photos pinning down Andrew’s cheating behavior.

First Evidence: Same Shorts Worn By Andrew Appeared In The Leaked Private Chats

Second Evidence: The two were at the same Lodge on the same date as seen below


Third Evidence: Same Shorts Worn By Andrew Appeared In The Leaked Private Chats


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