Pastor Aloysius Bugingo thinks he is holier than Wilson Bugembe if we are to go by his latest statements.
He said Bugembe will burn in hell for allowing alcohol at his concert at Africana Hotel last Friday.
He also called Wilson Bugembe a witch on Tuesday, and the gospel singer responded to the Salt Media proprietor by branding him a useless human being.
Bugembe explained that God welcomes all groups of people including drunkards, magicians, and prostitutes. His concert was just fulfilling God's desires.
"I saw him looking responsible while putting out garbage from his mouth. He is a useless human being. God welcomes everyone, the Bible says come as you are. Whether you are a drunkard, prostitute, or Witchdoctor you are welcome to God's house," Pastor Bugembe explained during Wednesday's worship night at his church in Nansana.
Bugembe maintained he will continue his relationship with the controversial members of the public until they give their life to God.