Pastor Bugingo Fails to attend his daughter's graduation party

The graduate refused to invite her daddy to the party due to his disagreements with her mother.

Pastor Bugingo Fails to attend his daughter's graduation party
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On 17th February, Pastor Bugingo and Teddy Naluswa's daughter, Bugingo Doreen Gift graduated with a degree of Master of Science in Telecommunication Engineering from Makerere University.

Her celebration party was attended by pastor Jessica Kayanja and a few other guests.

The graduate refused to invite her daddy to the party due to his disagreements with her mother.

He adamantly refused to foot her university bills and tuition.

"Doreen has been fighting the war alongside her mother and couldn't let her down. She never invited him since he refused to pay her tuition," a source revealed to this website.

In 2019, Pastor Bugingo attempted to divorce Teddy Naluswa to marry Suzan Makula.  Teddy denied him the chance to dissolve the marriage, and they have since been in battling to share their properties.

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