Prima Kardashi Makes Her Intentions Clear with Crysto Panda

During a TikTok live discussion, Kardashi expressed her deep love and appreciation for Crysto Panda, using romantic language.

Prima Kardashi Makes Her Intentions Clear with Crysto Panda
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Prima Kardashi is known for her relationships with Ugandan celebrities and wealthy men around the city.

She previously had a relationship with Geosteady, with whom she shares two children. Prima was also involved with Galaxy FM's Mr. Henry.

She has now made her intentions clear regarding Crysto Panda.

During a TikTok live discussion, Kardashi expressed her deep love and appreciation for Crysto Panda, using romantic language.

Panda couldn't hide his excitement about Prima Kardashi's intentions, eagerly participating in the discussion for minutes and delighting their fans and followers.

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