Vulgar Artists Like Lil Pazo Are Not Welcome at My Concert - Biswanka

Musician Biswanka is finally going to have a concert to celebrate his musical journey with his fans, thanks to promoter Abitex.

Vulgar Artists Like Lil Pazo Are Not Welcome at My Concert - Biswanka
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Musician Biswanka is finally going to have a concert to celebrate his musical journey with his fans, thanks to promoter Abitex.

The singer has since discussed preparations and warned vulgar artists not to appear at his concert.

He explained that he is a responsible musician whose music is enjoyed by both young and old. He doesn't want to be embarrassed by vulgar artists on his big day.

"I don't expect people like the 'Enkudi' singer to perform at my concert. I create responsible music and don't want people who create vulgar music. I make music that appeals to everyone, including the old and young, so I want them to enjoy that day," he explained.

The singer also revealed that he is inspired by the late Mowzey Radio, and having vulgar music performed on his stage would be an embarrassment to his memory.

Biswanka's concert will take place on the 21st of this month, the same day as Alien Skin's concert.

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