Celebrate My Life with a music show, Don't Mourn My Death - Red Banton

He doesn't want his passing to be a somber occasion, but a vibrant celebration of his life and music.

Celebrate My Life with a music show, Don't Mourn My Death - Red Banton
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Music legend Red Banton has a special request for his final farewell: skip the tears and throw a party! He doesn't want his passing to be a somber occasion, but a vibrant celebration of his life and music.

Recognizing how the death of a beloved celebrity can bring widespread grief, Red Banton wants things different when his time comes. Instead of mourning, he envisions his family, friends, and fans dancing, drinking, and enjoying themselves.

"Just put on the music, dance, and have fun," he says. "If people want to pray for me, that's fine. If they don't, that's also okay. The important thing is that there's music, dancing, and drinks for everyone to enjoy."

He also made it clear that he wants his vigil and burial to be peaceful. He specifically requested that no gangs attend, as he doesn't want any disruptions or chaos during his final days.

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