I Did Not Suck Any D*ck -- Cindy Cries Out!

Cindy says she did not suck a dick ... we don't believe her!

I Did Not Suck Any D*ck -- Cindy Cries Out!
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Cindy took to her Facebook fan page to dismiss claims that she tweeted about sucking someone's baby-maker and feeling so much joy about it ... because it was her first time.

"I Never Knew Sucking A D*CK Was So Simple & Cool, I Loved It" — CINDY

Apparently, she did not suck any wing dang doodle.

She says in a Facebook caption "This is not me....ignore this idiot."

A few months ago, Cindy's Facebook and Twitter accounts were hacked, but she later reported that she had again gained full access to them. Could this be another hack, or a publicity stunt?

Is Cindy's D*ck Tweet A Publicity Stunt?
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