Social Media Roasts Leila Kayondo After She's BRUTALLY beaten Like A Chicken Thief

Social media has reacted to singer Leila Kayondo's Beating by former boyfriend, SK Mbuga

Social Media Roasts Leila Kayondo After She's BRUTALLY beaten Like A Chicken Thief
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As Leila Kayondo nurses disfigured faces as a result of domestic violence, Social media commentators seem to be blaming Leila as a person in wrong! However, much SILLY it is to beat a woman, some people have expressed their views regarding the incidence!

Also Read:Tycoon SK Mbuga Brutally Beats Leila Kayondo, Disfigures Her Face — Photos

Social media apparently thinks this whole saga is a Stunt and Leila Kayondo is seeking attention! Reasoning,

Here is some reaction from social media!

Didi Kata:  I don't advocate violence in any way most especially against women or anyone with such a bad system that doesnot protect women.... Naye Leila this is happening to you because you Keep seeking it. It's not the first time. Why do you Keep wanting to get back to that man? You want his attention and that's what you are getting? How are we supposed to help you when you love getting his attention? You walked out of a burning house but you run back again.... Are you so stupid to see that that guy will treat you in a disrespectful manner? Are you too broke you still want number one position in his life ? Leila you are making it hard for yourself and us. Trust your head and not heart in this matter. You deserve the best and you are not getting it from him. If he gave you his car return it don't hold on anything of his to keep 'class status' you don't have one with him.... You are still young and I guess you have some brains you can be rich .. But you have to be independent than holding onto him... Even if IGP comes in ,next year you will be posting the something... Stop seeking attention and build yourself ... There are men out there who can take good care of you and build you..

Joe O'Mara: Why is everyone quick to judge SK as tho she even has proof, u know women are capable of anything and wat was she doing with SK a "married" man. all am saying lets listen to both sides and then judge.

Esther Jacqueline: Give that ka looser slow poison, if u don't nze I know people who can help u do it.... what kind of man hits women banange?? sssssswwwwwwwttttttzzzzz. ...... sorry honey u need to involve lawyers sweetie. Why is he still on yo case yet he is engaged to someone else?? U need to get yo family and friends involved in this.

Sultan Ottoman When u started it with him and hv bn eating his money, driving around in his expensive cars....u don't request or call for help in eating or driving around. Now is when u remember to call for help.... mmsswwwwwrrrt!!!

Linda Lisa Oooh baby gal so sorry that u had to go through all that Bambi! Justice must be served but like u know this is Uganda all they care about is money. I pray u get someone to help u darling. I dnt know what's wrong with those bu old rich guys! thou nt all of them but most of them they do hurt u when u leave them. Get a young boy beautiful. How cld u beat a beautiful soul like that! heartless beast! I know what yo going through coz I ......!!!! Hope u gt help honey

Amooti Jimmy Iguru but if u separated why do u keep seeing him in secrecy? i remember recently he was introduced by a different lady, but how come he still has contact with you? am not blaming but wondering

Mekel Prince: My advice to this young lady is that:
1) You're still young, stop acting desperate like you don't have family, friends or even self-esteem.
2) Once a man exposes that level of weakness and insecurity, do yourself a favor and bounce. " Gerarathere"

3) Treat yourself the way you deserve to be treated. Meaning don't deliberately drag yourself to someone whose gonna abuse you.

4) If you wanna be treated like a lady, you can't be dating young boys who are mentally still in diapers.

5) There is not enuff money worth dying for, Love is not supposed to be painful unless it's consensual ...

6) Finally the pinnacle of life is happiness, which comes from within. You can't mortage your happiness on any other persons success or mood swings. Pick yourself up and emotionally invest in yourself. Men are attracted to independent and confident women. Only then, will you attract the kinda relationship you deserve, otherwise you gonna make yourself a door-mat for someone who doesn't deserve you

Keep in mind , ...The decisions/mistakes you make today may determine how you live the rest of your life.


It should be noted Leila and SK Mbuga ended their four year relationship on grounds of Family misunderstandings! A few months later, SK Mbuga introduced another woman as his official woman!

Read: Am Totally Done With SK.Mbuga --- Leila Kayondo Still Lamenting!!

Read: Tycoon SK Mbuga Compounds Leila Kayondo’s Misery ... Introduces Another Chic

1.Do you think Leila Does A Beating?
2.Does SK Mbuga deserve life imprisionment for beating a woman?
3. Who is actually in wrong?

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