We already know that the spiders from Marsare real -- but has the NASA rover Curiositypicked up real evidence of extraterrestrial life on the Red Planet?
Conspiracy theorists think so. Some of these photos -- taken by the Curiosity over the past year and on other missions to Mars -- look a lot like rocks. Some of them look a lot more peculiar, like the "iguana" found earlier this month. All of them are the stuff of Internet legend, and many believe that NASA is hiding something.
Take a look, and wage alien war on the topic in the comments below.

Oh, NASA rover Curiosity, you make us so curious. Curious about images like this, which appear to show either camouflaged or fossilized lizards running around on Mars. A blogger caught this image, what do you think?

OK, this really does look like some sort of rodent. NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shot a photo of this little guy earlier this year. But after a closer look, and a little common sense, it's probably a rock.

The rock rats and rock lizards have begun to breed. It is only a matter of time before they... wait... WAIT, WHAT IS THAT?!
Computer, ENHANCE!

Oh no. It's too late. The rock rat lizards are already here.
Beautiful Mars Ladies

The Internet has long been crazy about this photo, snapped by the NASA rover Spirit. She has a terrible choice in dress color though, doesn't she?

The conspiracies go back to July 25, 1976, when this shot of the "Face on Mars" was taken by an orbiter. Do you believe yet?

Awwww. These are real photos taken of Mars' surface. But were they designed by extraterrestrials who know the human concept of love? Only the ETs know.
Alien Heads

If it's a skull, it appears to have several eye sockets, a nose, and an embarrassingly large forehead. If it's a rock, it's probably not even a rock. IT'S A ROCK... LOBSTER!