New Teach!! Universal Smart watches Made Compatible To all Bluetooth Devices.

Forget about Samsung, Sony and LG smart watches that only allow you to connect to a singular device… Lame!!.... Universal smart watches however can connect to all smart phones and are more affordable with the same functionality.

New Teach!! Universal Smart watches Made Compatible To all Bluetooth Devices.
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Think of the noisiest places, the quietest places and the busiest places you have been. How many times have you missed an important call, message or other notification because you didn’t hear the tone or it wasn’t suitable to be checking your phone? 

Your social network, your colleagues, family and friends know they can reach you because you miss nothing. Your phone can be in your bag or pocket or anywhere within 10 meters. Like a mini version of your smartphone, your Universal SmartWatch reflects what is happening in your phone and lets you know… And the best part is that is its compatible with all Bluetooth devices.


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