4 Tips For Women Who Want To Make The First Move

Don't want to wait for the guy to ask you out like Kim Kardashian does? This is for you!

4 Tips For Women Who Want To Make The First Move
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Many of us believe in the traditional idea that the guy is supposed to ask out the lady. However the playing field is now levelled as women can also call the shots.

While we understand Kim's desire to be pursued (I mean, who doesn't want that, to some degree?), she doesn't necessarily have to be so passive about it. Modern dating rules make it OK for a woman to make the first move and we're quite glad that's the case. To boot, men love it when women ask them out, so here are four ways to help you do just that. 

1. Be bold. 

Often times a woman will convince herself that being the first to approach a guy looks desperate. But it’s the exact opposite. It takes a lot of courage to be the one to break the ice—for guys and gals—so this bold first move will not go unnoticed. Simply walk over and strike up a conversation. If you want to be a little more stealthy, buy him a beer. This works well if the guy who catches your eye is also shy because, as he seeks out a "thank you," he'll know you're interested.


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