Adum Eong - The True Black Boys Ft ABM Flow Ug

Adum Eong

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The True Black Boys ft Another Bullet Music Flow -Live in Uganda

Opotu eyalata, opotu ekosioto, opotu ejangata, opotu eyalata opotu ekosioto opotu ejangata ijangijangijoda 

Papa Adum eong,Toto Adum eong ,iborelem yen amoi eongoo ,Eehhhh

Papa Adum eong Toto Adum eong iborelem yen akotoengo yeahhhh

Ngesi kerene ajai eong, Ngesi kerene ajai eongoo Eehhhh Ngesi kerene ajai eongoo Eehhhh

I like music, I like sing Ngesi ekatalentiii yeah eong kedemusic idauso aiwen epeta , Toto papa ojalakiseongo adauyong aseun ekarooto Ngesi a music 

Everything I do ,no time, I do it as leisure but music's taking my time, the things I used to do while young, I came to discover that music's my talent for life (what are them) 1 To sound like a radio while hushing babies 2 To break regulations of no stepping to parties Heheh now alakara eong eyalama eong Adum doengodoo in time 

Papa Adum eong Toto Adum eong iborelem yen amoi eongoo Eehhhh ..........

Icei to itunga iteete eka size ogeunete apalunitori eongoo, icei tunga iteete ikacan ogeunete amengitori eongoo

Lolo ajaingo kwap moi ajaingo kuju,lolo  ecaneongo moi abariengoo ,mam ooniputo Narai etegelikinango iminajo ekokote kedeepitina, onac eongoo Amina eongo aicor ateker Ngesi ajaari eongo music a music a talent Edeke oyarete ocudete * ologaete.

Papa Adum eong Toto Adum eong iborelem yen amoi eongoo Eehhhh.......

Oh yeah I will never forget the life style Etoritengo toma I purnished my life to follow people ringing their phonez Narai ekotetau aipup aisom atudek Balikalol apakio lusek kwana doo  Adum eong adoluengo ajaingo toma, kwana doo Adum eong adoluengo ajaingo tomaa, 

Yeahhh Toto papa atumunan ikoku opotu awupakinos kere, yeah yeah a music, a music yeahhh Toto papa atumunan ikoku opotu awupakinos kere yeah yeah a music a music

Papa Adum eong Toto Adum eong iborelem yen amoi eongoo Eehhhh.......

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