He Knows - Da Josh UG

He Knows

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He Knows Lyrics

(Intro verse1)

He knoooooows, don't cry!!!!...

Don't cry.....he knoooooows 

Wulira oluyimba luno ,

Omukulu nomuto oyaaaaa.....

Come let's hear what God says ....

              ( Chorus part 1)

He knows your name.."(don't cry, don't stress)".

He knows your name.."(fix your eyes on him,keep praying)"

               (Chorus part 2)

He knows your story.."(don't cry, don't stress)".

He knows your story.."(fix your eyes on him, keep praying)".


God is not a son of man to lie, in his promises or plan is faithful, remember how he dealt with David, nobody knew that you would be a king, he was despised and rejected by men,a man of sorrow, a shepherd in the bush but God had a plan of making him a king and really truly he became,so my brother my sister let me tell you something it doesn't matter how you cry, it doesn't matter how you suffer, one thing I know God has got you. though your knees are shaking God has got you......

           Repeat(Chorus part 1)

           Repeat(Chorus part 2)

                      ( Verse2)

Lekera awo okwenyoma lekera awo okukaba.......

Lekera awo okwekubagiza  lekera awo okusinda...........

Katonda owaffe mulamu tuula okalire nnyera eyatonda engulu ne nsi olowoza waliyo kyimulema???....

Kale wesige mukama nemu kasera akazibu.omwagale kumakya misana na kyiro ngo otambula,,,tambulira muye..

Nemu biroto byio wesige....mungu.

    Indi wamugaso ......oliwamugaso nawe

Tuli bana bye.. byeayagala enyo natununulaaaaaaaaa..........!!!!!

             Repeat (Chorus part 1)

             Repeat (Chorus part 2)

             Repeat (verse1) 

             Repeat (chorus part 1)

             Repeat (chorus part 2)


Don't stress,,,,,,!!!...he knows

Don't cry!!!!!,,.....he KNOoooooows.

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