Verse 1:
Behave today...behave tomorrow,every where you go behavior is the key in this world when i was young i met aperson he told me to behave like you but on my side i did not pick any word any word from him i went away "one day one time again my teacher told me he told me to behave to achieve in life×2
Let us behave let us behave let us behave again to achieve in life×2
One i was looking looking for the job my boss told me there is no job i asked my self what went wrong he told me my documents i asked my self again i need to know i need to know what went wrong
He told me i was not behaved at all i am not qualified to get ajob
He told me i was not behaved at all i am not qualified to get ajob
Let us behave let us behave let us behave again to achieve in life×2