Trumpete mevy

Trumpete mevy

/ Biography

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Added: Jul 09, 2020

Am Elia Kategaya  am a munyakole born 1st Jan 2002
 I went to various schools infantry was at Ruhinda model primary school until my PLE 
 "O" I went to Mpumudde high school the horizon campus  for my 'O' level and continuing with my 'A' level at the same school 
Well...I started music basically in top class and when I moved to p7 I wrote my first song called "owo munda" which I featured a friend *shaby Axzo* 
 in my college I used to mime other musicians songs like Radio and weasel and a few more musicians that inspired me 
In the year 2017 I started recording music and writing serious lines and my art work was very much appreciated by very many people especially my first producer @Temperature and featured friend called Shaby Axzo that I have with for a long time since school  
@temperature has been my official sound maker 
Attached is my tune a remix from a song Duduke officially performed Simi from Nigeria 