Shock! (Audio) Pastor Kayanja Allegedly Praising The Illuminati

Allegedly, Pastor Robert Kayanja is heard in the audio files praising and bragging about the Illuminati... this is as shocking as it can get.

Shock! (Audio) Pastor Kayanja Allegedly Praising The Illuminati
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In one of the audios, pastor Kayanja says ..

"In otherwords, I am the light of the world... if you don't know what that means,.. let me just tell you, without you, there is total darkness in the world. You are the illumination of the world. You know, that's where we get the word Illuminati from, those who have been enlightened, those who have light in them. the other word illuminati does... that's the top class of the United States, It's a group of About 12 families in the United states. They control the land, the oil... they call them the illuminati. Their families control the Feds.. what they the Federal Reserve, it's like the central bank here. These guys have money, they are rich, they are wise, they are intelligent... they're behind every election in the United States, if they don't like you, it's difficult for you to win the presidency of the United States. They do a lot, they know a lot, you know.. Defence, science.. not just in the brain but their investiments give them the upper hand to control everything that is happening. The're the reason why booeing is still producing planes, they're the reason why the United States Army cannot be defeated by any nation in the planet."

Pastor Kayanja continued -- "They're the reason why the Senate, the Congress.. they're the reason why the presidency, they're the reason why the dollar is still the number one currency in the whole world. The group of the twelve families called the Illuminatis... They're the most feared people on the earth. You don't know their names, you'll never know their names. You don't know who they're. You just know about their organization. They are the reason why America has more space satellite than any other country can have television satellite..."

The Pastor goes on and on praising and bragging about the Illuminati and completely forgetting he is supposed to teach against them and their awful acts.

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