True Confession: I Married My Hubby With Juju; Now I’m Suffering

I was introduced to a Spiritualist in Kayunga district who gave me some charms and did so many other things and promised me…

True Confession: I Married My Hubby With Juju; Now I’m Suffering
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Some people may hate me after this confession but I want other ladies to learn from my experience. Martin and I started going out while in secondary school, I loved him so much and he loved me too. We both attended different institutions, he studied Computer Science while I studied Business Administration, he graduated 1 year before me and got a job at Bank of Africa after his Campus.

I was in my final year when he proposed marriage to me. I went to visit Martin one Saturday evening when his neighbours told me he had traveled, I called his phones and none went through, I searched everywhere to know his where about but never succeeded till the day I ran into his closest friend who told me Martin had traveled to India to further his education.

It was like a dream to me, I cried my eyes out, still tried to at least reach him and find out what it was I did to him but all my efforts proved abortive. When my best friend heard this she promised to help me get my man back…

(my story would be too long if I had gone into full details, so this is a kind of a summary)

To cut my long story short, I was introduced to a Spiritualist in Kayunga district who gave me some charms and did so many other things and promised me that Martin must come back to marry me before the end of that year, he actually did, he came back, we got married and had a son 11 months after our wedding.

Right now my marriage is coming to an end as Martin now sees me as a monster, he can’t stand anything I do lately, he has become entirely different from the gentle, loving guy I married; he beats and uses me as if I was a slave. He comes home so late and sometimes spends the night elsewhere, I’ve gone to the spiritualist to complain and seek for help but he warned me to stop visiting him, “you asked for marriage and I made him marry you so take it as you see it”. The spiritualist says the only way to help me is now sleeping with him, which I probably am not willing to do!

If anyone knows what I can do for my husband’s love to come naturally without Juju, please help me. I did what I did out of love and never meant any harm my husband but I think my husband has recovered from the influence of the Juju and he no longer loves me. I’m in a mess.


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