Which Tribe Has The Most Romantic Women? — Vote Now

Baganda Have Been Tipped To Be The Most Romantic, So today we ask, which is the most romantic tribe in Uganda?

Which Tribe Has The Most Romantic Women? — Vote Now
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A few years ago, New vision carried out research on a total of 248 people asking them which tribe in Uganda is the most Romantic.

The reason behind this research was, the tribal prejudices were glaring. And when social brands are labeled on dating attributes, you want to know because there must be a reason why Baganda and not Karimojong, are described as romantic

Surprisingly, respondents overwhelmingly gave this crown to Baganda, followed by Batoro and then Banyankole. But women voted for the Acholi for the third position instead.

Many people concurred with the verdict and referred to the common popular love songs on most radio airwaves as being in Luganda. “Over time, Baganda have mastered the art of love in verbal, action and literature expressions. Their exposure makes them very competitive. But you can also say that their commercialized nature makes them money-minded, to the extent that even a person who does not really love you will play romantic to suck out all your financial juices,” explanation was given.

So today we ask, which is the most romantic tribe in Uganda?

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