Types Of Partners Nobody Wants To Be Stuck With

The following traits put off many married people:

Types Of Partners Nobody Wants To Be Stuck With
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The following traits put off many married people:

1. “The Controlling spouse”

This is the husband/wife who wants to dictate things. Everything has to be as they want. If you are this type, remember that marriage needs team work. Don’t act like a dictator in your marriage.

2. “The Gossiping spouse”

This is the husband/wife who loves to interfere in other people’s business and to share with friends and family personal info that belongs to a couple. If you are this type, grow up before you break the trust of your spouse.

3. “The Ungrateful spouse”

This is the husband/wife who doesn’t appreciate effort. They are insensitive and never say thank you. If you are this type, know that your ingratitude discourages your spouse from giving his/her best.

4. “The Negative spouse”

This is the husband/wife who has to look for the wrong in everything including marriage. They are dark and discouraging, constantly grumbling and complaining. If you are this type, remember that marriage is a blessing, but you will never enjoy that blessing if you keep a record of wrongs or you choose negativity.

5. “The Hopeless spouse”

This is the husband/wife who has given up before even trying, the spouse who pours cold water on any new idea in the marriage. They refuse to move forward and choose to wallow in pity. If you are this type, know that you are loved by your spouse but are burdening your marriage. You are a stumbling block.

6. “The Rubber stamping spouse”

This is the husband/wife who doesn’t correct or give an opinion. They say yes to everything. If you are this type, know that your marriage needs your contribution, your spouse needs your advice, it is OK to lovingly differ with your spouse.

7. “The Insecure spouse”

This is the husband/wife who doesn’t believe in themselves and reacts through unfounded jealousy. They want to keep a leash on their spouse. If you are this type, remember that your spouse married you. Don’t lower yourself to fight imaginary battles.

8. “The sexist spouse”

This is the husband/wife who turns marriage into a battle of genders. They use words like “You men../You women…”. They go out of their way to prove which gender is greater. If you are this type, stop ruining your marriage. Love; don’t compete.

9. “The unstable spouse”

This is the husband/wife who is unsure. At one point they want this, then they change and want that, then they want another thing. They are indecisive and shifty, making it difficult to be secure. If you are this type, remember that marriage has a lot at stake and needs clarity and a firm commitment on issues.

10. “The loose cannon spouse”

This is the husband/wife who has a loose tongue with a tendency of saying regrettable things that hurt or are shameful. If you are this type, remember that you build or destroy your own home with your tongue.

11. “The low self esteem spouse”

This is the husband/wife who feels unworthy and lacks confidence. They belittle themselves and feel they don’t deserve the best in life. If you are this type, remember that your low self esteem has a root in something that happened to you in your past; address it. If you don’t, you will drain your marriage and keep yourself from joy and blessings.

12. “The argumentative spouse”

This is the husband/wife who turns simple conversations into a fight. They never let things go and their ego leads them to wanting to be right all the time. If you are this type, remember that life is not a court case. It is possible to have a mature conversation without arguing.

13. “The lazy spouse”

This is the husband/wife who doesn’t want to do anything but wants things done for them. If you are this type, remember that to gain fulfillment in marriage, you need to give. Your marriage needs your effort. Marriage needs teamwork.

14. “The no growth spouse”

This is the husband/wife who refuses to grow. He/she wants to stay doing childish things, has no desire to do better, doesn’t challenge. If you are this type, remember there is more to your life than your latest experience. Love should bring about growth.

15. “The holier than thou spouse”

This is the husband/wife who loves to judge and brag about his/her spirituality. He/she puts others down to make himself/herself feel more righteous. If you are this type, remember that none of us is perfect. True spiritual maturity is not seen by how we brag, but how deep we love and show grace.

16. “The outsider spouse”

This is the husband/wife who is shaped by outside voices. He/she makes marital decisions based on what other people say. If you are this type, know that marriage is between two. No third parties allowed.

17. “The suspicious spouse”

This is the husband/wife who doubts even when there is no need to. If you are this type, realize that it hurts your partner who is faithful to you when you refuse to trust. Stop living by your fears, you are damaging your marriage.

18. “The detective spouse”

This is the husband/wife who snoops looking for evidence where there is none. They interrogate, check phones, follow friends and turn their marriage into a crime scene. If you are this type, ask yourself a question, “Why are you still married if you can’t trust your innocent partner?”

19. “The disrespectful spouse”

This is the husband/wife who has no regard for honour. He/she shows contempt and brings down their partner. If you are this type, know that you have inner issues, you don’t truly love. For you cannot disrespect someone you truly love.

20. “The drunkard spouse”

This is the husband/wife who is hooked on alcohol, thus bringing shame, embarrassment, waste and chaos in the home. If you are this type, please don’t lose your marriage due to coloured water.

21. “The unlovable spouse”

This is the husband/wife who acts like they are single. They refuse to open up to their partner or allow their partner to love them or be there for them. If you are this type, know that people marry to love and be loved. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

22. “The rigid spouse”

This is the husband/wife who has a fixed way of doing things leading to frustration. If you are this type, live a little, laugh, have fun, be adventurous. Don’t be so uptight. This is marriage, not the military.

23. “The flirtatious spouse”

This is the husband/wife who flirts with other people face to face, on Facebook or WhatsApp. They sweet talk anyone, claiming it’s just for fun. If you are this type, know that you are emotionally cheating on your spouse. If you want to flirt, flirt with the one you married.

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