Here Is What To Do And What Not To Do On Valentine’s Day

There’s absolutely no way any of us can change that and that being so there are rules on what to do and what not to do on Valentine’s day especially since the day often falls on a working day.

Here Is What To Do And What Not To Do On Valentine’s Day
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Valentine’s Day brings with it its own set of drama. While some people go to sleep very happy, satisfied people on this day some go to bed angry cursing that St. Valentine person and that little cupid baby. Well, to some it’s a day like any other. I mean Valentine’s Day does have 24 hours just like any other day. But let’s not forget that it is also famously known as the day of love and there’s absolutely no way any of us can change that and that being so there are rules on what to do and what not to do on Valentine’s day especially since the day often falls on a working day.

1. Do not call up your ex and ask to do something on Valentine’s day for old times’ sake just because you are not seeing anyone at the moment and you feel lonely and miserable because all your friends have something lined up for the evening.

2. Do not insist on attending Valentine’s day gigs for couples only when you don’t have a date hoping you will meet someone and do not trick your ‘friend’ from the opposite sex to accompany you and pose as your partner.

3. Do not buy and send yourself flowers, chocolates or gifts and have it delivered to your office so that everyone can see. It won’t make you feel any better about yourself and when you get caught, you will never hear the end of it.

4. In case you get that big, special delivery at your desk, do NOT rub it in your colleagues faces about how your boo really loves you when it’s clear they didn’t get anything.

5. Do not get pissed off at the world and at yourself for not being able to bag yourself a romantic guy to buy you flowers and take you out on a romantic dinner and be in a foul mood the whole day just because you didn’t receive any Valentine’s treats.It is just a day like any other.

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