MUST READ: 5 Single-Girl Habits to Ditch When You're in a Relationship

If you're in a relationship after years of singledom, you might want to refer to this checklist.

MUST READ: 5 Single-Girl Habits to Ditch When You're in a Relationship
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Yes, you should definitely stay true to yourself no matter what your relationship status is. But these habits? You can leave them behind and not feel guilty about it at all. Hey—being single is great. But not all single habits need to survive well into the next stage in your life.

You hit the snooze button 50 times before you got up.
NOW: So you don't disturb your dude, post a note on your alarm clock that reminds you, "I want my happy relationship more [than sleep]," says M.J. Ryan, author of This Year I Will... How to Finally Change a Habit, Keep a Resolution or Make a Dream Come True.

You instinctively invited friends to crash at your place for the weekend.
NOW: Your guy deserves some warning on this one. It's his living space too, BTW. Get in the habit of telling friends, "I'll get back to you on that," when they ask to stay over. Then check with your man that it's cool with him, suggests Ryan.

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You picked violet for your bathroom walls and a spa resort as your vacay spot.
NOW: It's time to compromise. "You have to ask yourself, Would I rather be in charge of everything and be alone, or lose some control and be with him?" says Ryan. A little give-and-take shows you care about his happiness, too.

Attending every one of your family's parties was a given. Duh!
NOW: You'll sometimes have to miss your clan's pig roast in lieu of his parents' formal soiree. Try to keep it balanced, and when you're with his family, make it informative by asking his older sister for goofy stories of your guy as a kid, says Ryan.

Blabbing about your salacious sex life was a regular girls' night convo.
NOW: Sorry, but no one wants to hear about your bed sessions with the man you've been with for eight years (images!). Instead, listen to your single gal pals' stories, says Ryan—and be glad you have equally hot sex minus the walk of shame.

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