Andela Raises $40M To Connect Africa’s Engineering Talent Into Global Technology Ecosystem \ 1507702240
Technology TIPS: How To Make Sure Your Data Doesn’t Get Depleted Remember that the faster the speed, the more data bundles are utilised. Story by Gee Mukama \ 1500284242
Technology DOWNLOAD FREE Mikolo App—Get More Done - Anytime, Anywhere - with Our FREE Wedding Planning Tools Mikolo is Uganda's first FREE wedding planning app and website, that can help you collate all your wedding to-dos on one platform. Story by Amon Kintu \ 1491337748
Technology Forget gaming: VR and AR can help restore sight In several instances, AR and VR are trying to better connect those with vision issues to the everyday word. Story by Mukama Evart \ 1477472249
Technology Samsung Halts Galaxy Note 7 Production. Samsung has finally pulled the plug on their troubled Note 7 line of Phablets. This comes after some of the replacement Note 7s were reported to having blown up or caught fire. Story by Mukama Evart \ 1476266213
Technology Plan your Wedding Online Today - Uganda Weddings Are You a Ugandan Newly Wed or Planning To Wed Story by Amon Kintu \ 1475403753
Technology A 'SAFE' Note 7 explodes, destroyed MacBook Pro Hui Renjie, 25, who purchased a Note7 in China that was deemed "safe" with a non-defective battery, claims his phone blew up Monday and burned two of his fingers and damaged his MacBook Pro in the process Story by Howwe Editor \ 1475059372
Technology How To Fix Flash Disks and Memory Cards 'Full Storage Capacity' Error Flash disk drives & SD Cards several times tend to suffer errors which are rather annoying but easy to fix. Story by Mukama Evart \ 1471855399
Technology Huawei Launched its 1st Innovation & Experience centre in Africa Huawei signed a Cooperation Contract with the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) on July 19th during the launch of their joint Innovation and Experience Centre in Johannesburg. Story by Howwe Editor \ 1469527452
Technology Twitter Eases Process For Verified Accounts Anyone can get coveted blue check mark now as Twitter eases verification process Story by Gee Mukama \ 1469005358
Technology Museveni flags off Ugandan ICT talents for Huawei Seeds for the Future program In China President Museveni flags off Ugandan ICT talents who are leaving for the Huawei Seeds for the Future program in China. Story by Mukama Evart \ 1460534653
Technology HOLLYWOOD STARS & WORLD RENOWNED PHOTOGRAPHERS JOIN HUAWEI TO REINVENT SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY AT THE LAUNCH OF THE HUAWEI P9 Hollywood A-list actor Henry Cavill attends global launch as face of campaign with host of famous names from the world of photography, film and the arts Story by Mukama Evart \ 1460224187
Technology Huawei P9 Debuts in London with Dual Camera Lens, Reinvents Smartphone Photography in Collaboration with Leica New Huawei Flagship Device Combines Groundbreaking Innovations and Exceptional Design, Setting a New Standard in Smartphone Photography Story by Mukama Evart \ 1460223947