Technology Facebook Turns 10 Years Old Today It’s been an incredible journey so far, and I’m so grateful to be a part of it. It’s been amazing to see how people have used Facebook to build a real community and help each other in so many ways. In the next decade, we have the opportunity and responsibility to connect everyone and to keep serving the community as best we can. Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1391510495
Technology Zuckerberg buys four new houses for, um, privacy The Facebook CEO purchases four residences adjacent to his existing home. He's said to have reacted to a developer's plans to buy one of the houses and sell it as "the one next door to Zuckerberg." Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1390954467
Technology Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to sell £1.4 BILLION worth of shares in company He wants to dispose of 41.1 million shares - but even after the sale he will still have a stake in the firm worth around £80 billion. Story by Amon Kintu \ 1387494610
Technology Apple confirms deal for 3-D sensing company PrimeSense Spokesperson says purchase of the 3-D sensing company behind Microsoft’s Kinect sensor is a done deal. Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1385372655
Technology East Africa ICT Summit Produces Regional ICT Security Forum The East African Information Security Managers Forum (ISMF), aiming to involve security practitioners across the region to share experiences on information management, was launched at the East Africa ICT summit. Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1385370765
Technology Uganda: Google Announces Fibre Project to Help Bring Ugandans Online Uganda: Google Announces Fibre Project to Help Bring Ugandans Online Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1385023098
Technology Google Tries to Turbocharge Internet Service in Uganda Pushing cheap broadband—and more use of Google—the search giant installs a fiber backbone for ISPs in Kampala, Uganda. Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1385014391
Technology 7 Photos From Mars That Will Make You Believe In Aliens - Or Rocks We already know that the spiders from Mars are real -- but has the NASA rover Curiosity picked up real evidence of extraterrestrial life on the Red Planet? Story by Businge Brian Franco \ 1384934941